Fallen Law Enforcement Professional Financial Assistance Request The Fallen Law Enforcement Professional Assistance program was created to provide financial support to law enforcement families who's loved one was a member of the law enforcement community. Members of the law enforcement community whose job meets criteria for membership into the Wisconsin Law Enforcement Officer's Association are eligible for this benefit. A Line of Duty Death is defined as any death that is in furtherance of their official duties (i.e. travel, training, health, calls for service, etc.). Please use the form below to request assistance for your fallen hero. Members of the WLEOA are eligible for a benefit of up to $2,500. Non-members of the WLEOA are eligible for a benefit of up to $1,000. Name of Requestor* First Last Phone of Requestor*Email of Requestor* Name of fallen Hero* First Last Date of Death* Please provide basic details regarding the manner of death. (Ex. Line of Duty, travel, training, health, etc.)*Employer of Fallen Hero*Position Held / Job Title* This iframe contains the logic required to handle Ajax powered Gravity Forms.